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CONTEXT: clay is an AI-powered platform designed to streamline and enhance personalized outreach by automating data enrichment and research tasks.

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update: august 27, 2024

clay utilizes AI to enhance personalized outreach and automate research tasks for RevOps and growth teams. Key features include:

  1. Data Enrichment Automation: Automatically enriches contact and company data by pulling from multiple data sources, enhancing accuracy and relevancy.
  2. Personalized Message Crafting: Uses AI to generate personalized outreach messages based on enriched data, improving response rates.
  3. CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrates with CRM systems to ensure that outreach efforts are aligned with existing customer management processes.
  4. Multisource Data Consolidation: Aggregates data from various platforms and sources, providing a comprehensive view of contacts and leads.
  5. Real-Time Contact Updates: Keeps contact information up to date, ensuring outreach is based on the most current data.
  6. Dynamic Audience Segmentation: Allows users to segment audiences dynamically based on enriched data, helping to tailor outreach efforts.
  7. Automated Lead Qualification: Qualifies leads automatically by analyzing data and predicting potential opportunities, reducing manual work.
  8. AI-Powered Outreach: Leverages AI to optimize the timing, content, and channel for outreach, maximizing engagement.
  9. Email and Social Media Integration: Integrates with email platforms and social media for a unified outreach experience across multiple channels.

clay’s AI-driven approach helps businesses automate time-consuming research tasks, improve data accuracy, and create personalized, effective outreach campaigns.




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