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CONTEXT: Artbreeder is an AI-powered platform designed to allow users to create and remix characters, artworks, and landscapes through intuitive AI tools.

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update: august 22, 2024

Artbreeder utilizes AI to provide a unique platform for collaborative visual creation. Key features include:

  1. AI-Driven Character Creation: Uses AI to generate unique characters, allowing users to control traits such as age, gender, and facial features.
  2. Artwork and Image Remixing: Enables users to remix existing images, blending elements from different artworks to create something new.
  3. Collaborative Image Building: Allows users to build upon the work of others, fostering a connected creative ecosystem.
  4. Face Generation and Customization: Provides tools to generate highly customizable human faces, ideal for character creation in games or stories.
  5. Exploration of Style and Form: Enables users to explore different styles and forms by combining multiple visual elements in novel ways.
  6. High-Resolution Image Creation: Supports the generation of high-resolution images suitable for professional use.
  7. Character Design for Games and Stories: Provides tools specifically for designing characters, making it popular with game developers and storytellers.
  8. 3D Models and Landscapes: Offers the ability to create and customize 3D models and landscapes, expanding beyond 2D art creation.

Artbreeder’s AI-driven platform allows users to explore and create visual art collaboratively, enabling unique character and artwork generation in a shared creative space.






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